Story of The Week: My Worst Money Mistake — 6 Financial Experts Fess Up

Wealthramp: The Right Fiduciary Financial Advisor at the Right Time
November 16, 2015
WealthRamp is in today’s Wall Street Journal
November 30, 2015


Even the shrewdest financial experts make huge money mistakes from time to time—mistakes that can be very costly but that offer important lessons for the future.

Watch now: Sometimes it’s not about what we do with our money, it’s about what NOT to do! Like this real estate flipper who… flopped


  1. Alex London says:

    It’s terrifying how easily Casey got into this situation. With any bubble, there are always those who are left holding the can and by the time you know the wheels are coming off – it’s far too late. His is the worst case scenario though, huge debt and the very likely prospect of legal action. Sometimes if it seems too easy – that’s when you need to exercise the most caution.

    • Pam Krueger says:

      Yes, and Casey is unfortunately a story of greed. He lost all his common sense as people often do when they are afraid they’ll miss out on some fantastic once in a lifetime deal. Thanks! Keep watching– we’ve got a brand new 1 hour MoneyTrack special rolling out later this year.

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