During this one-hour special on PBS, Pam Krueger and her co-host Jack Gallagher take a look behind the curtain into the world of wealth management. Their mission is to enable consumers––especially anyone who is nearing retirement or newly retired––with the power to control their own financial future.

In the financial world, there’s never been a shortage of advice. But, because of the internet, consumers are more aware than ever of how much they may be paying for that advice. They’re also discovering potential conflicts of interest from advisors who are actually salespeople for some of the most widely known brokerage houses and insurance companies on Wall Street.

During this MoneyTrack: Money for Life program, we tell consumers how easy it is to find independent fiduciary advisors. How? We empower them to locate only those who meet the fiduciary standard. These advisors work for you, not a big conglomerate. Your interests always come first, not theirs. And they are all about complete transparency, not hidden fees.